Best Kidney Transplant Hospitals in Bangalore

When the condition of an end-stage kidney or renal disease prevails and the function of blood purification is hampered in the body, a kidney transplant is recommended for most patients. However, a transplant isn’t the only treatment available; there are two more options. Hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. In the first option, the blood is pumped out of the patient’s body and passed to an artificial kidney machine where the blood purification process is carried out and then returned through the tubes connected to the patient’s body. The second option, which is the peritoneal dialysis, involves the use of one’s inside lining of the belly. This lining acts as a natural filter and performs by taking out wastes through a cleansing fluid known as the dialysate. This cleansing fluid is washed in and out of a person’s belly in cycles.
kidney Transplant
Depending on the condition and opinion of the patient, any one among the three treatment options is recommended by the doctor.

The process of kidney transplant involves the replacement of the failed kidney with a new one to continue the process of cleaning the blood and bring back the patient’s body to a normal state. However, in some cases, the replaced kidney is not accepted by the body due to the activities of the immune system which repels any external, new or bacterial element. Though, this condition is rare but, if so happens, a second transplant is suggested.

When it comes to the transplant, there are two types:

Transplant from a living donor
Transplant from unrelated (passed away) donors

Usually, in case of a living donor, the person belongs to the family of the patient or is a very close friend. In some good situations, the patient finds a donor who is not known to him or her but is willing to donate just to help anyone in need.

Though kidney transplant is a life changing treatment, the chances of getting an adverse outcome always prevails. Be it any one of the above-mentioned cases, there are advantages and disadvantages attached to both the types.

If you wish to know about the best kidney transplant hospitals in India or just need some more insights on this treatment and enquire about its cost, log on to We also provide location specific information such as the best kidney transplant hospitals in Bangalore, Kolkata, Delhi, etc. and assist in connecting you with the best doctors in the country for this transplant.